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Some previous talks and lovely goodies are available too..!
When The Sun Goes Down with Charlotte Bellamy
GUIDE: See Take Make [4/5] Celia Henderson
GUIDE: LR Step-By-Step 7/20 Exporting Joe Houghton
The Change of Seasons with Jack Lodge
Studio ICM with David Day
Woodland Whispers with Charlotte Bellamy
The Truth is Black and White with Ian Howard
Selections, masks and channels with Celia Henderson
SLIDES: The Truth is Black and White with Ian Howard
Nik Efex Workshops - Shelley Vandegrift
The Old Woman Does AI with Sally Sallett
In To The Wild Night withJasper Goodall
The Unseen Realm with Laurie Klein and Shelley Vandegrift
SLIDES: Infrared Workshops with Shelley Vandegrift & Laurie Klein
GUIDE: LR Step-By-Step 5/20 Intro to Develop Joe Houghton
Minimalism with Tony Worobiec