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LNP Finesse with Filters 2 - Celia Henderson

LNP Finesse with Filters 2 - Celia Henderson


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Finesse with Filters (Two Parts!)


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The vast range of filters in Photoshop can be overwhelming, which ones to use, and why?


This 2-PART workshop on filters will demystify this amazing and creative set of tools to show you how they can be used to create wonderful textures from scratch, be used in combinations to apply image enhancements and creativity.  Emphasis will be on using filters with Smart Objects to maintain a non destructive workflow.  Filters will also be applied to improve image qualities, disguising areas and applying sharpening filters.  Filters can have their own blend modes applied on multiple filters to create even more creative effects.


Learn quick ways to create the Orton effect, create abstracts with mezzotints and twirls.  This workshop will also include methods for creating line drawings. Filters can be used to modify image depth of field with Field, Path and Shift and Tilt blurs.  Filters can be used to improve your layer masks and selectively sharpen your model's eyes or the stamens of your flowers.  How to use them creatively for arty and abstract effects, how they can bring back blown highlights or subtly change the lighting and conceal distracting backgrounds.  We can create beautiful line drawings with filters.


We will create a Still life image using the Pep Ventosa effect, work with and combine multiple images, apply blend modes and modify opacity settings. Add adjustment layers and layer masks, more blend modes and filters.  Explore the Blur Gallery to create realistic ICM effects. Blur filters can be used to create the effect of Long Exposure - smoothing out the water and creating dramatic skies. Creating beautiful double exposure effects - combining multiple images you will cover clipping masks, using a custom brush, warps, masks and work with colour toning and adjustments. Making use of Adobe Camera Filters. Use Photoshop to fake ICM and Multiple Exposures. And finally, we’ll make a multi media composite.


Optional hand out:


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