Neural Filters - Celia Henderson
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In October 2020 Adobe introduced a range of new AI-driven filters powered by Adobe Sensei. Some of these have now been fully released as Featured filters whilst others remain in beta mode. In this workshop Celia will give an overview of Neural Filters workspace, a full walkthrough of the gallery of filters, how to activate and use them and what can be achieved.
She will also compare alternative methods to achieve the same results using more conventional image editing tools and Camversationalists will be able to see how to use the neural filters in combination with image editing tools and techniques to achieve results.
We will explore Photo Restoration, great for detecting and removing scratches from old images, recolouring and even rebuilding faces. Colour Transfer to match and swap colours in one image to another, the Colourize filter to hand colour black and white images and the Skin smoothing filter for portrait editing. Other filters are creative and fun – such as the Landscape Mixer and Style Transfer.
Depth Blur offers an alternative method for simulating a targeted shallow depth of field. Make up Transfer to apply portrait make up from one model to another – go on take a selfie before the session and we’ll give you a makeover and then make you look 10 years younger with the Smart Portrait Filter. Super Zoom for upscaling images and giving a boost in resolution and a simple JPEG artefacts removal filter.
This session provides the information and examples so that you can make informed decisions about the use of Neural Filters within your own workflow.
Work along with Celia with images, which are also provided.
A full handout of ‘recipe cards’ will also be available for purchase to accompany this session.